Monday, 23 July 2012

Camber, Blood Donating and Batman

Camber, Blood Donating and Batman

I haven't written a blog in a while seeing as I have been out and about the U.K. for two weeks and busy with college/work, well I am back. HELLOOOOOOOOOO! (:

Whilst I have been away I went down to Camber for the week for a quick break away from my home town seeing as everything was becoming too much up here. Camber's countryside is beautiful and defiantly worth a trip around in the family car seeing things that make you appreciate our natural world. I stayed at a place called ' Camber sands holiday park ' which was a bit shabby but homey. I stayed in a little holiday home which ended up being upgraded from bronze to silver seeing as the caravans looked dirty and horrible. ( Top snob )
The park had a beach on my door step, an arcade, pub/restaurant and a shop. I had a few problems and concerns whilst being down there, little French kids were going round the machines taking 2p's from people's machines whilst they were not looking or being distracted by other French kids. It made me become angry with them, so I started to enforce my own punishment on them by pretending I am staff and making them cry or make sure I removed them myself. I can't stand 7 year olds without decent morals which their parents should of brought them up on, but instead their parents stayed in the bar and drank till they got drunk and miss treated their kids. I will admit I am a snob, but at least I have been brought up to understand what is right or wrong and how to act in public unlike these scabbers.

Overall the holiday was good for saying it was for only a week, it actually gave me time to think and a chance to tell someone that I liked them.

So I gave blood! Giving blood is a great thing to do and also something everyone should do. Currently there is a shortage of blood donations which is a dangerous thing seeing as blood donating is becoming less frequent. Seeing as I am 17 which is quite a rare age to donate I decided to go through with it, not just to get praise from others, but to make a difference and put back into our community and country. The only part I hate is the needle, she put it in at an awkward position which hurt when I clenched my hand because it poked my muscle ( which is normal ) Whilst bobbing my head to Foster The People it was over so quickly. A pint of blood looks so sick, but funny. I'm feeling a lot better now compared to yesterday felt like crap at night because of my sugar intake. I think more people should do it and help out.

I AM BATMAN... Only joking. Batman is such a great film. As much as I would like to talk about it I am afraid I can't without ruining it for you guys. All I am going to say is that the plot line was pretty obvious if you've read the comics, so the film wasn't that surprising in my opinion. Altogether it's not a film for small kids below the ages of 9 because it is quite dark and I hate screaming kids in cinema's whilst I am trying to watch a film. GO WATCH IT NOW, GOTHAM NEEDS YOU!!

Luke St.Denis

Friday, 6 July 2012

Making The Right Move And Jealousy

Making The Right Move And Jealousy

Ever since the start of the first relationship that opens so many doors your emotions get the better of you. The first word, the first hug, the first kiss. All these things make you fixate onto that one person you love or like and jealously plays a major part in that for me. The Jealousy side of me comes from the depths of the person I don't want to be for many other reasons. I don't want to come across as needy, controlling or annoying, I just want to be there to care and make sure they're treated like anyone should be, like a human.

Many see jealousy as a bitter hate towards another whilst others see jealousy as a way of caring for someone you like or love. I just see it as a pain in the ass due to my insecurities of the past. Women forget that even if they mention other men in a relationship all the time and make it obvious they like them all the time that it affects us and we feel like crap because we are not like them. This knocks us down a lot and just, well it makes me feel terrible. They might think it's a joke or something similar, but a person with insecurities will possibly take it the other way and get false readings from it all. As I write this blog there is so much going on in my mind that this blog makes sense to how I am feeling lately.

Relationships come and go, but those worth while last and stay which make us happy. Some say relationships are too much hassle at the age of 15-17 which is true and false, but there is always that sense of security knowing you've got someone that cares for you rather than only having yourself or a select group of friends that know everything. Opening up to someone completely new gives you another look on your life to see how you could improve or help make theirs better. Having someone there to help you through the thick and thin or when you need a shoulder to cry on. People do not take that into account because they might have had an unlucky pick of the bunch and found someone that didn't care for them. The way I see relationships is that they have both pros and cons, but they are what you make them. If you chose to argue, you argue. If you love each other, you love each other. Just because someone has had a bad relationship it doesn't make them all bad.

Making the right move is the most trickiest part of anything. It could be the end to something or the beginning, who knows? The only thing we do know is that we're going to come out good or bad which ever way we look at it. The move... The start... The end... is there really any time to make the right move? As I think about it confidence and the acceptance of being let down are the two things you need. Confidence to ask and the acceptance of being let down in case it all goes pear shaped.


Luke St.Denis

Monday, 2 July 2012

How Much Does The Royal Family Cost?

How Much Does The Royal Family Cost?

How much does the Royal Family cost us? People will only see the negative side to how much the Royal Family costs the public because of the state our country is in. Our financial prospects are not bright, so it makes others become negative when money is involved that is being supposedly wasted in their eyes. For years the public and press have slated the Royal Family for them spending public money on travel and clothing etc... But is it really all that bad? Don't we like to see our Monarchy going abroad casting our names in stone and setting a prime example of our royalty in the Middle East or the West? I guess I do even though I am not a Royalist. 

The Royal Family brings our country together at times of celebration such as the Queen's Jubilee or the death of a Family member such as Dianna. In times like these we put of differences behind each other and celebrate the unity of our country. Some are patriotic and others are not, but we still have a little bit of pride of what we stand for and the country we live in, even if it isn't the best place to be in our current predicament. Whilst the cost of bills, the price of petrol, the price of food and housing is becoming higher it's getting harder for the common person to live in the current climate. The press strive to slate the Royal Family at times like these, but who should we really be slating? People living of benefits with 10 kids? People faking illness just to get benefits? The Olympics? Who knows. But slating the one true thing to our country is not going to help.

Whilst money is tight and the banks are crashing around us money is like a God. Money controls us like a puppet by their puppet master. As to say without Money the world would become a hellish playground for the needy. Since having a Royal Family money has always been a wonder. The Queens current expenditure is around £32.3 million ( 2010 - 2011 ) Records are around £32.4m - £32.5m this year. If we look at the figures it does seem like a massive take on how much of the tax payer's money is used to fund the Royal Family. The Queen makes our country unique and loved. Whilst flying around the world to show face to other world leaders it makes others from around the world want to visit the U.K. to absorb our natural beauty and historic agriculture that our country offers. This will bring in an income for beyond the figures that the Royal Family spends. So... Should we be slating the Royal Family? 

Every year we fund the EU a lot more than the Royal Family costs and where does that leave us? Poor. They take our pants down and rape our banks for everything we have and the Tax Payers pay for it. Unfair and cruel is what I call it, but we have to be hurt before we can rebuild our country to restore it back to how it once was. 

To solve the problem...

First - Those that have more than 2 Children should be taxed, as they do in China.
This will stop young mothers/fathers having children just so they claim benefits for each child and live of the government. But doesn't that effect those that want more than 2 children that are not living on benefits? Well it can do, but is not up to those that want more than 2 children to fund the tax to have another knowing that they do have money seeing as they're not on benefits. 

Second - Sort the government out. Rather than going all political and having a party such as  Labour, Conservatives or Lib Dems why don't we have people in charge that put the people's needs before their own and make them stop bickering about who has the best plans such as benefit cuts or EMA cuts etc... We just need people in charge that put their differences behind them and sort out what mess has been created.

Finally - We need to stop being a corrupt and greedy nation. A helping hand is something that goes a miss now and again in this country and we need to sort it out and become a thriving community just like it once was back in the War.

Just like the American President Ronald Reagan once said " We often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us realize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, IS NOT AN ALIEN FORCE ALREADY AMONG US?"

the end quote makes more sense to me :Dke St.Denis