Monday, 23 July 2012

Camber, Blood Donating and Batman

Camber, Blood Donating and Batman

I haven't written a blog in a while seeing as I have been out and about the U.K. for two weeks and busy with college/work, well I am back. HELLOOOOOOOOOO! (:

Whilst I have been away I went down to Camber for the week for a quick break away from my home town seeing as everything was becoming too much up here. Camber's countryside is beautiful and defiantly worth a trip around in the family car seeing things that make you appreciate our natural world. I stayed at a place called ' Camber sands holiday park ' which was a bit shabby but homey. I stayed in a little holiday home which ended up being upgraded from bronze to silver seeing as the caravans looked dirty and horrible. ( Top snob )
The park had a beach on my door step, an arcade, pub/restaurant and a shop. I had a few problems and concerns whilst being down there, little French kids were going round the machines taking 2p's from people's machines whilst they were not looking or being distracted by other French kids. It made me become angry with them, so I started to enforce my own punishment on them by pretending I am staff and making them cry or make sure I removed them myself. I can't stand 7 year olds without decent morals which their parents should of brought them up on, but instead their parents stayed in the bar and drank till they got drunk and miss treated their kids. I will admit I am a snob, but at least I have been brought up to understand what is right or wrong and how to act in public unlike these scabbers.

Overall the holiday was good for saying it was for only a week, it actually gave me time to think and a chance to tell someone that I liked them.

So I gave blood! Giving blood is a great thing to do and also something everyone should do. Currently there is a shortage of blood donations which is a dangerous thing seeing as blood donating is becoming less frequent. Seeing as I am 17 which is quite a rare age to donate I decided to go through with it, not just to get praise from others, but to make a difference and put back into our community and country. The only part I hate is the needle, she put it in at an awkward position which hurt when I clenched my hand because it poked my muscle ( which is normal ) Whilst bobbing my head to Foster The People it was over so quickly. A pint of blood looks so sick, but funny. I'm feeling a lot better now compared to yesterday felt like crap at night because of my sugar intake. I think more people should do it and help out.

I AM BATMAN... Only joking. Batman is such a great film. As much as I would like to talk about it I am afraid I can't without ruining it for you guys. All I am going to say is that the plot line was pretty obvious if you've read the comics, so the film wasn't that surprising in my opinion. Altogether it's not a film for small kids below the ages of 9 because it is quite dark and I hate screaming kids in cinema's whilst I am trying to watch a film. GO WATCH IT NOW, GOTHAM NEEDS YOU!!

Luke St.Denis

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