Saturday, 10 May 2014

Work Bound

Work Bound, what is it? It pretty much says what it is on the tin, being bound by work.

Just imagine waking up in the dark ready to go to work and then coming home in the dark from work whilst working a standard 9 hour shift, normal isn't it? I understand that having a job is a luxury in the world we live in today and I do not take it for granted one bit seeing as many have it a lot worse than myself. Work does not just affect yourself it affects everybody be it financially, emotionally or physically. The three very things that shape who we are, but the financial prospects do not shape us as much, but do help us get by.

I got my first job when I was 18, fresh out of college wanting a gap year before I went to University. The idea was to gain new skills and put some money into my savings so that I could put a deposit down on my house ready for July. Everything seemed okay and it was not all that bad, but I feel that because I was new to work I decided to put work first over mostly everything that I held dear to me. I had a new job and a sense of independence in the ' Big Bad World ' as the experienced over 40's call it. Work started to become my life and the only thing I talked about be it negative or positive, but it mostly became negative.

Work Bound Routine
-Wake up
-Go to work
-Come home
-Wake up
-Go to work
-Come Home

Okay, okay you get the point. A Progressive cycle which does not change unless you want it to. Once you fall into the vicious cycle you can choose to feel sorry for yourself and stay in it or change it. I started putting work before my actual interests and stopped doing the very things that helped ground me, relax me and keep me healthy. The reason behind this blog is not just to express how I feel, but to also let others know that feel this way to put yourself and your interests first. I will admit that when I got home from work all I would wanted to do was grab a snack and sit on my ass and do nothing all night and on my days off I just wanted to stay in bed due to being run down, this led to my anxiety to get worse, weight gain and mood swings.

So how could you prevent being Work Bound? Like I said before it is your own choice to prevent it and finding the time to do what interests you whilst having some motivation which is vital in all of this. It can be hard, but it is worth it after all. After work I use to go swimming at my local leisure center which personally is such a good way to keep fit and also keep a calm maintained trail of thought. I am starting to go swimming again seeing as I have not made much time for myself since getting another new job which has less hours and I feel that I need to get back into shape for my Skegvegas body so that I can strut my stuff on the crisp packet littered beaches of Britain, hahaha!!

Swimming is not just splashing around in the water with your hair sticking to your head like an aftershave advert, but it is a great way to unwind and look buff in front of those aged, between a coffee down town on market day or a mad night out at the local bingo hall. I choose to go swimming late at night due to body confidence and athletic capabilities, but my God can those old people swim like Rambo in the amazon. I cannot express how good it feels to work out not just physically, but emotionally also.

Being Work Bound is a problem that can be fixed, so do not worry many do suffer with it old or young without realising it. Go out there and find out what really interests you and do it, once you are home you are not at work anymore. Not forgetting when you get time off from work make good use of it and make an interest of yours into a whole day worth of activities revolved around it. For example if I cannot go and swim and I go for a long walk with some lunch or ride my bike to the next village over from mine and look at the views.

It is possible, combat that Work Bound cycle and realise what you want!!


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