Confidence is a thing that most people lack in their life. Confidence is something that makes us become people that do not fear certain things that use to scare us as a young child, such as the dark or heights. Confidence is something that gives us that extra little push in life to do something we would never think about doing, such as volunteering or simply going on a ride at a theme park. We are guided by family and friends throughout each day of our lives getting that so called ' Confidence boost ' that we need to progress and excel in certain areas. Certain areas could be, handing your course work on in time, making new friends or going out into big open places.
Lately I have noticed that women and men are starting to lack confidence at our age which is between the ages of 15-18. Women feel the need to be the centre of attention by taking photos of themselves that show off their boobs or ass just to get 100+ likes on Facebook. Men also feel the need to take photos whilst showing their six/eight packs, but what does that achieve? Nothing... Women and men start to feel conscious about their bodies just because of some people flaunting theirs off which makes them lack confidence and then they start doing stupid things just to become this so called ' Perfect ' that us lads or women supposedly love!?
Let me clear one thing up... I like women that are curvy, women that don't wear a tonne of make up, women that don't starve themselves just because they put 2 pounds on, women that have self confidence and take pride in who they are and women that do not want to be the centre of attention. I can't stand women or men that make others feel like crap just because they have small imperfections, It's unfair. We all know the real reason to all of their bitching and bullying is just because they can't stand themselves and they have to wear the whole of boots ( To those that don't know what Boots is, it's a cosmetics store etc.. ) and also wear clothes that EVERYONE BLOODY WEARS!!! Jesus.... what gives people the rights to dog down or make others feel bad, it only makes them become someone that always feels inferior to the same gender and someone that they are not personally happy with.
Moving back to the whole confidence issue. We now live in a world where people have to look the same to fit in otherwise they will get talked about or bullied, everyone has to act the same or yet again we get bullied, but isn't it time we actually started accepting each other for who we are and not for what we try to be to fit in? It's a shame that I have to grow in such a time like this because it only starts to pressurise us all in the end.
We have all made others feel like crap before, but we can still question why others do it when we realise about the damage it can cause and also when we grow up and finally stop caring what others think and be ourselves.
Luke St.Denis
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