Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Exciting Prospects.

Exciting Prospects

Normally a teenager of my age would be gearing up for the Summer or parties and looking forward to hanging out with friends, but I am more looking forward to just attending my local council meetings and debating with friends about certain topics. Every week Wednesday is the best day for me. Late start to college at half 1 and a late finish at half 4 then going into town at 6 to go to the council. I make it seem like I have such a boring life, but trust me I do not.

Next year I am hoping to do something called Camp America which allows me to work out their for 9 weeks being a Councillor for kids that attend the camp. The kids will range from young to old and come from all different backgrounds. I will be doing this in the Summer of 2013 hopefully, but first I have to fund and sort out my CRB check when I turn 18 and start to volunteer properly. I will have to pay out roughly about £566 including other things so to be safe I would say about £1000 max and also I would earn between $600 - $800 dollars whilst I am out there.

Doing something like that would be a major opportunity for me seeing as working with kids is something I would like to do when I am older and it gives me the stepping stones to allowing me to excel in different situations when they arise. Camping in America for 9 weeks working with kids that all have different stories seeing them progress through camp and gain skills they will use from then on would be an amazing thing to see and do.

Luke St.Denis

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