Moving on...
When someone comes into and then leaves our life we tell ourselves that we will be fine and move on. Each day we say the same thing to ourselves " It will be fine I will just do something to entertain myself whilst I forget about it all " Whilst we do these certain things to help ourselves we can't help but think of what would of happened if they didn't leave. Our brains hold close to us the memories of what once was something you were happy about, but things change and we become a prisoner of our own mind.
The mind is far to complex for us to fully understand. We use it to our best abilities and use it to make decisions that will affect us for the rest of our lives. I have recently been looking into subjects about the heart and how the heart actually controls all of our thought processes, but the brain just gives it a thought and then works on it. A test was done with pulse magnets that were connected to yoghurt which is a living organism. When the test subject felt certain emotions the body/heart gave of electro pulses that affected the yoghurt and changed the readers. What I am trying to say is what if the heart really is what makes our minds up and controls how we feel about everything..? The relationship term heart break isn't called Mind break now is it?
There isn't a day that goes by which I don't think about people I loved that passed away such as my Granddad or Dad. Me and my Dad didn't really have the best relationship I suppose at the age of 5 he made the decision that he didn't want to see my any more and that's when I started to resent him. I am not one of those people that easily forgives people unless my emotions are caught in a crossfire ducking and diving whilst searching for closure. He sadly passed away a few years back in August, but I just shrugged it off and went meh... I have always been in denial about certain subjects because of things that happened in my past, but it doesn't mean I never cared. My Granddad was like a Father figure to me. I spent most Summers round his with my Nan and we spent heart warming hours playing together and walking along the beach down the coast.
I would say the passing of ones we hold close to us will make us stronger in the long run because we still try our hardest to make them proud knowing that some how they're watching over us seeing if we make them proud even if they are not here with us today.
Even if my Dad didn't want to see me he still asked my Brother how I was and what I am doing, it still shows that he cared, but I was just a handful and very stubborn from a young age. Moving on is hard, but it takes a lot of time to leave the past behind and for us to focus on the future knowing that they will never get to see us become a Dad or someone happy with a Job they strived for.
Luke St.Denis
The mind is far to complex for us to fully understand. We use it to our best abilities and use it to make decisions that will affect us for the rest of our lives. I have recently been looking into subjects about the heart and how the heart actually controls all of our thought processes, but the brain just gives it a thought and then works on it. A test was done with pulse magnets that were connected to yoghurt which is a living organism. When the test subject felt certain emotions the body/heart gave of electro pulses that affected the yoghurt and changed the readers. What I am trying to say is what if the heart really is what makes our minds up and controls how we feel about everything..? The relationship term heart break isn't called Mind break now is it?
There isn't a day that goes by which I don't think about people I loved that passed away such as my Granddad or Dad. Me and my Dad didn't really have the best relationship I suppose at the age of 5 he made the decision that he didn't want to see my any more and that's when I started to resent him. I am not one of those people that easily forgives people unless my emotions are caught in a crossfire ducking and diving whilst searching for closure. He sadly passed away a few years back in August, but I just shrugged it off and went meh... I have always been in denial about certain subjects because of things that happened in my past, but it doesn't mean I never cared. My Granddad was like a Father figure to me. I spent most Summers round his with my Nan and we spent heart warming hours playing together and walking along the beach down the coast.
I would say the passing of ones we hold close to us will make us stronger in the long run because we still try our hardest to make them proud knowing that some how they're watching over us seeing if we make them proud even if they are not here with us today.
Even if my Dad didn't want to see me he still asked my Brother how I was and what I am doing, it still shows that he cared, but I was just a handful and very stubborn from a young age. Moving on is hard, but it takes a lot of time to leave the past behind and for us to focus on the future knowing that they will never get to see us become a Dad or someone happy with a Job they strived for.
Luke St.Denis
Shit man.....I'm really sorry, about your dad and everything. *hug* Hope you feel better soon x