Friday, 8 June 2012

The Gaming World Is Dying.

The Gaming World Is Dying...

Since the 1950's videos games were being developed and they were based around vector displays, not analog video. It wasn't till 1972 when the first video game console came out which was known as The Magnavox Odyssey. TMO was the first console which was able to be plugged into standard television sockets allowing users to play in their homes rather than having to walk down to an arcade and waste money enjoying their favourite pass time games. The game Pong was released further into the year of 1972 which became a massive hit in the gaming world which was developed by Atari. As video game consoles development became a more frequent interest the Odyssey 100 and Odyssey 200 were released then other consoles that copied the technology only allowing one game to be played which was Pong.  

You might ask what this has got to do with New Technology, but it's quite clear. We are currently half way through the year 2012 and it's been 40 years since the first video game was created and 40 years since the development of the first console. Don't you think it's rather freaky how fast the development of consoles has increased in such a short time? 

New Technology has been created at a much cheaper cost due to the labour in China and in poor working conditions. New Technology has the tendency to break fairly easily compared to the blocks once known as the NES or the original Xbox, but it's becoming far to expensive to replace let alone repair such things like a screen on a 4th Gen IPod/IPhone. We could say that many years ago Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft were all up for customer care, but now all they care about is which game they could possibly copy from 20 years ago and give it better graphics or change it's name a little. Games back in the 90's such as Pokémon Blue, Red and Yellow were the very same games that most of us 90's and even 80's kids grew up with not forgetting the remakes of the early 00's which were still okay I guess. 

I walk past games stores such as GAME and Voodoo consoles and they're are becoming a thing of the past. Earlier this year GAME went into administration due to it's profit loss and also money that was owed to other people because of one obvious thing... IT DOESN'T OFFER THE GAMER WHAT HE/SHE WANTS ANY MORE! It's okay putting 4000000 stands with Farmville credits or Runescape credits on them, but no one is seriously going to buy them? Why don't they just make their shops more spacious and light rather than cramming stuff into it like a NEXT sale in the Winter. They could actually stock their shelves with all types of games rather than just sticking to a target audience which is the people that play the Xbox or PS3? PC gaming is becoming a bigger thing now since the development of PCs and kids finding it easier to build their own rig seeing as it's not rocket science, but GAME still chooses to cram the PC section into the corner just like putting a child in the corner for being naughty.

It would be nice to see new companies take the customers views into consideration, but most of them close after the first 4 months due to on-line sites such as STEAM or Origin which offer games for a much higher discount at excellent prices. That's another reason why most shops like GAME and Voodoo are closing down not just because of profit loss, but because of sites like STEAM taking all their custom. Even I have been using STEAM for 5 years now so I am sadly giving all my custom to STEAM rather than GAME, but like I said if GAME offered what they use to the industry wouldn't of been hit as hard as it has been.

Luke St.Denis

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